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idealist sight world eyesight view visionary avision worldwide globe bifocal eye optic optical underworld eyeshot vision dream ken global stereopsis visionless eyeglass cosmopolitan clear-sighted blackout gangland scotoma cosmo- diplopia tunnel vision eagle-eyed cosm- otherworldly other world creation microcosm dazzle purblind doughboy web blur Hughes, Ted visioned idealistic world-famous seeing scotopia sublunary worldly-wise bleary look who beau monde trichromatic unworldly
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marketplace perspective dim transmundane mundivagant perimeter clearsighted contact lens mundane lynx-eyed -opsis darken glaucoma worldly visual photopia nature WWW seven seas optometry subworld mist -opia schema Christendom fruit bat acuity binocular extramundane blind dioptric goggles night blindness doomsday wherever Great War pitch-dark purview hawk-eyed earth monde visioning tout le monde astigmatism a trifocal unearthly temporal see flash visibility physical cloistered sweven gravel–blind focus vsn globalize kenning light optics netherworld pastoral eyeful macula lutea command retrace ocular keratotomy bleary-eyed blindfold prospect nonego -ia counterworld supersecular nether world amblyopia outward alien perspicacious speculative horizon blinder modality sharp-eyed sighted invisible globetrotting vale universe pantoscopic world-class line of sight prevision spectacles perception orthoscopic cosmological orthoptic pterygium visually carnal cyberspace IWW digger unsophisticated WTO cosmos fashionable lower world outlook curtain peripheral sky occlude migraine asquint rhodopsin fovea centralis retinopathy pervious twenty-twenty aspect world-weary overworld photoreception fovea perimetry scotopic monocle depart preternatural dreamland under the sun glass colour-defective image blinding supermundane orthoptics macular degeneration Weltschmerz universal afterworld illusion ethereal demiurge mappemonde Serapis evident reverie parablepsy opto- betterer red vision insight outdoors point looking-glass land Land here World War I World War II Ia iodopsin pre-war apocalyptic redeemer maya neogaean Jack Jefferies Mecca poilu computerdom Saint Agnes's Eve strabismus blind spot optotype dichromic macrocosm mortal academe bored adland Parnassus environment daylight vision academia ray First World gravel-blind parablepsia sharp-sighted optician optometer recluse globally blind side wall visual line stereoscopy clear–sighted cosmopolite interworld screen world-soul quick-sighted cataract quadrantanopia polyopia accommodation green-blindness trichromatism sun element civilization girldom dreamworld Hermetic Old World Third World terrestrial retinitis pigmentosa phantom discern glasses monochromat scan blear visual field zero hyperopia secular specular optometrist dimmer swimmy field photics stationary monocular aniseikonia meatspace webbed dogdom ecumenical world–class terrene linnet cyberworld the jet set twilight zone transcendent worldward south book world indistinct interwar macula eye chart millionairedom the Third World local time primitive earthly middle-earth hunt Romance export U-boat give birth panzer Axis Powers current events the human race intramundane dispatch whooper Grub Street Advent mal du siècle throstle cosmoplastic ultramundane duck cloister WW old-world brownout allied ally hawkweed photopic pellucid perspicience futurist hemianopia narrow perstringe disability glare eyed eagle fry myopia wraith retinol presence have telescopic vision mixer visional cross-eyed macular sparing presbyopia revery ocularium half an eye narrow–minded line long outsee pseudoblepsis (as) blind as a bat aisling chromatopsia barrier the naked eye intuitive panorama breadth shut down deaf-blind twenty–twenty phantasm one–eyed visible optic lobe salade twenty-twenty vision sallet fantasy ribgrass groves of academe Big Stoush the Great War Romandom lacertid neo- the WTO periscopism retrovision unfocused invision spectacular visive porphyrio internationally worldlet the face of the earth styledom age cathartid kingdom come Islam system cosmopoietic the Other Side to kingdom come bon ton christianism stardom ribwort sublunar series the (whole) world over outworld emergency the groves of Academe nighthawk W3 war on earth on the face of the earth nycticorax WR turfdom anolis wheresoever fistiana in the whole wide world samsara third country the environment python under heaven mondial world-renowned WFTU ramsons however whoever noodledom world-wide capercaillie cosmolatry typocosmy Arabdom world-war life ideally one–worldism retirement circumnavigate campus foreworld twilight world developed stageland whatever dandydom boar devaloka marrubium macula-sparing far double–sighted eye hospital blindingly close tropostereoscope glance oculist futuristic wool blindness discernible daze periscopic stereo- persistence wool–blind stereo indirect vision floater black out crystal-vision close in keratitis louchettes dimness amaurosis blepharoplasty bedazzle visor three–color theory hypermetropia monochromatic one-eyed bat night-sight campimetry blinkers seraph colour-mixer discomfort glare unite binocular vision blinders philosophy of life day sight take dystopia blinkered ophthalmologist prescription fade-out clear-seeing loom telescopical specs macular overcorrect clear-eyed vista visualize vanish receiver uprise platyrrhine thymus travelled world-shaking world-shattering worldly-minded less-developed country premundane Arab street AMVETS beyond canary soup kitchen chatterer swelldom the netherworld world beat prakriti water turkey creator theatre cotinga ligustrum Psechridae materially mistletoe pandemic the Fatherland cosmothetic roguedom iberis black curlew clubland babydom microcosmos Midas's–ear hell see life undisputed world champion sic transit gloria mundi the underworld outer International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Hispania limbo feminie disconnect Hellenism submundane the world WWII queerdom blitter Fall Classic hereafter sophisticated this side of the black stump the international community malism philistia antiworld worldview white crow aethionema lotus-eater manes mondaine pacific pennisetum representationalism third-world moviedom blogland tube-nosed bat transglobal inframundane starling stargazer movieland earthy WWI babudom WEF all/the four corners of the world/earth autocosm hence heather–bleat Israel Kaiser Bill's war radioland on a global scale supramundane wow renunciant phenomenize Lombard Street globalized ladydom garganey partridge Group of Seventy-Seven computerland doomsday machine chthonic sorghum corporal treta yuga objectivity superlunary simian bald coot red-blindness dichromatism duplicity theory dichromacy ghost afterimage snow-blind ophthalmencephalon mind-blindness poetic symposium between the wars colliculus X-ray vision eyelight exteroceptor scotomy bugaboo descry optomotor hybrid Dantean loco disease video tape video tape recorder varifocal pseudostereoscopic discursive object glare brilliance blaze Certhiidae Mother Earth offline coloboma theophany stereoscopic radius finder dimly line of distance hemiopsia aliasing day blindness eyewear fixate optimism this world photorefractive keratectomy clairvoyant retinal detachment length lazy eye frosted trichromat field defect metamorphopsia anomalous fog Karpov anima mundi macaco the Allies Armstrong player arrive saffron whiptail sense parsondom woodlark peewit microcosmography zone six bob a day tourist loche lapwing Pelecinidae hamster d-day consummation pantarchy rock thrush the Beltway sense–world serin finch society Formula One earthling colobine cuckoo–buds four–stacker fig celestial Far North umma Gypaetus Liberty ship acosmism Hyaenarctos football fanciful blackbird Apodemus humanity E-boat student amtrac Thule eelgrass conventual crake immaterialism guenon lifeworld monastical pejorism palaeogeography power planetary sneezewort world-language pyrus transport tucker fitchew spirit the animal/plant kingdom Dvapara Yuga worldful world federalist yuga the Internet cocksfoot crack basswood chiffchaff beltway creation story exist Bryant cataclysm Armageddon syndicated Presbytis lead the world Marmosa teleology troglodyte star emir geopolitics time contra mundum clepsydra retread MacArthur Gekkonidae Alectoris Ameiva pigeondom reindeer Wobbly worldling world spirit villadom empirically dreamer blenny cockspur conure tropical rainforest the United Nations amtrak apocalypse spiritualize mongoose pessimism robin there systematic supernatural superpower reclusion wren cosmography dream palace egg-eating snake simple fool's-parsley fairydom false vampire Hun IBRD ja well immaterial globe-trotting pagandom inexperience prewar supernal RTW spotted flycatcher visitant starry Tinseltown reed bunting apus sports industry kingdom otherworld red deer persona redshank the Occident world war ensa lamium maquis melissa ortolan sweet scabious callitrichid biophilia cilantro superlunar honnête homme webzine whitethroat womenkind Boche Capablanca, José Raúl Calzaghe dogstail Andretti aesthesis ETO systematical fruit pigeon grim dig deteriorationist doom Thomas realm escadrille epistates Lasker e–zine old–world pleroma colonize Alice–in–Wonderland east creation myth cyberland antemundane bohemia economic Trinity Pharos think top Tin Pan Alley Krita Yuga Polypedatidae place sand skink the First World the WSPA cercopithecoid mezereon medium mindscape monastic agama mavis worldly wiseman economy escapist globetrotter worldlywise coriander jujube illusionism infernal pejorist sensation redbreast sum worldhood worldless global security cosmometry animal world global village spiritual griffon cosmogony Jotunheim end–time emanationism e–tail greenshank tropical baby boomer Didelphidae reed warbler eternalist warbler shaman individuate tyrant flycatcher material plan deuteranomalous chromatrope redout blue-blindness peripheral field botulism need awry vision quest confuse psychovisual adaptation vampire disabled-friendly flicker zoetrope window maculopathy optical fibre socialist realism sports finder reading-glass o'clock no-holds-barred skin-vision skyscape detached retina imperfect auteur Langland opsiometer jacob

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Words For "world vision"

As you've probably noticed, words for "world vision" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "world vision" are: idealist, sight, world, eyesight, and view. There are 994 other words that are related to or similar to world vision listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "world vision" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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